On 12/20/2012 an article came out with new information about risk factors for blood clots. The newest risk that researchers have pinpointed is asthma. According to the article, "people with severe asthma were almost nine times more likely to develop a PE compared to people without asthma." This means that people who are already struggling with lung problems are at risk for even more lung problems. This article doesn't mention any thoughts as to why the risk goes up when someone has severe asthma. One can hope that if the asthma is managed that the risk will drop. Only time and more research will let us know the answers to that question. This is only preliminary research. More studies need to be done to see if this effect is repeated. To read more about the study see: http://www.irishhealth.com/article.html?id=21484#.UNMBDo-zOWw.facebook
July 2016